Sharbinee....Masih lg bangang
Hai-O....Anda memang legend final Piala Malaysia!
They deserved it...myb it was quite late to post this entry,but i feel obliged to do this whatsoever...1-6..that was the scoreline...after such long lucky spells MU had enjoyed,they jz deserved this thumpin at home.Where?At HOME!!!!..We shud remember that this MU team had not been punished enough by their oppos..Chelsea,Norwich,Liverpool...u name it r some of the teams that had missed their chances to score against so called ''bright future'' backline...go back to HELL!I dont know why I was too emo,but I jz cant stand with some of boastful,big mouth MU fans(even the players n their manager)..I think x Citeh who re noisy,but THEM!!they r busier lookin at others bcoz they would jz too happy to mock the others......
...I m x a person to hate something or annoyed with sth without a reason btw...
watever it is...TQ CITEH!
2 perkataan!KURANG AJAR!!!itulah y dpt dsimpulkn berkenaan kjadian y terjadi smasa para Muslimin sdg mngerjakan solat Jumaat d kg ak.Ketika tgh bersolat tu,tanpa dduga kedengaran bunyi ringtone org jual aiskrim...siap lagu Mat Kool lg..dlm hati ak y tgh solat tu rasa nk lempang jer org yg jual aiskrim tu...aper kejadah jual aiskrim org tgh solat.Solat Jumaat plak tu!mmg dlm hati tu rasa nk cepat je abis solat tu,so dptlah ak tgk saper la abg aiskrim y xbermoral lgsg tu n ape reaksi org ramai..ak rasa mau kena blasah y tu consequence y paling dahsyat a...sudah jer solat,ak trus toleh ke belakang,mncari... tp.......aper y ak tgk bknlah kejutan sgt...abg aiskrim(bkn warganegara ak rasa based on muke die) tu trus bergegas ke motor n mnutup ringtone tu...ksimpulanny...bkn salah abg tu...mmg trnyata itu keje xbermoral n kurang beriman drpd mereka y bersifat "Mat KOol"..............Astaghfirullah........
p/s:ak bukanlah baik sgt,tp ape y ak tgk kt sekeliling especially ttg "anak-anak kita",ak rase sedih n kecewa sgt...smoga ap y xbtol kini dpt dperbetulkn walaupun perlahan2......InsyaAllah...